24 October 2013

#tbt: Newsoms in Whiteside, TN edition.

According to the kids these days, #tbt stands for #throwbackthursday, an opportunity to force old baby pictures et. al. on all your all your friends, and genealogists are all about this sort of thing. "Come look at my ancestors! LOOK AT THEM!"

So, In light of all the work I've been doing on my maternal great-great-grandfather's family, here is a picture I just found at my grandmother's house last week. This is Harry Edward NEWSOM (1884-1973), and two of his sisters. We aren't sure which, but grandma thinks one is Phemia NEWSOM (b. 1887,) who attended  the Tennessee School for the Deaf. It is taken in Whiteside, Marion County, Tennessee. It looks beautiful there! Rolling green hills are my favorite.

holy thumb print, batman!

Genealogy Snapshot

Name: Newsome, Harry Edward (1884-1973)
Parents: Isaiah Newsom and Julia Ann Carlton
Spouse: Odessa Bailey
Surnames: Newsome, Newsom, Carlton
Relationship to me: 2nd Great-Grandfather
  1. Harry Edward Newsome
  2. Gladys Geneva Newsome
  3. Norma Jean Williams
  4. Sandra Elaine Hixson
  5. Ameya

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Welcome. I'm new to Geneabloggers and stumbled on your blog through Geneabloggers' highlight of your blog on their FB page...nice! I'm a new fan of your blog and appreciate your enthusiasm researching/preserving your family history. Looking forward to hearing about more successes in your efforts. Wishing you all the best.

    Warm regards,

    "A LIFETIME LEGACY State of Mind" blog: http://ALifetimeLegacy.blogspot.com
    http://ALifetimeLegacy.com (A LIFETIME LEGACY: Connecting generations and preserving memories)
    Check out memory triggers on Pinterest: http://Pinterest.com/ALifetimeLegacy
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    Remember: “Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are growing old.”
